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What Do We Provide

Image by Daniel Qura
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At Yalla Arabic Institute, we provide a variety of cultural activities every week to help our students engage with the local community and discuss selected topics. Our team of Arabic language specialists also hosts virtual seminars on the language's history and literature for educational purposes.


We offer our students convenient accommodation within close proximity to the school, allowing them to easily commute by foot between their lodging and classes. Additionally, we offer transportation services to and from the airport for our students.

Cultural Trips

We specialize in cultural trips to Jordan and Beirut. Our packages include transportation, accommodation, and daily activities. During these trips, you can practice your Arabic language skills with the local community. Our team of tourist specialists and the best local tour agencies in Jordan and Lebanon will guide you through the history and events of the visited places, ensuring that your expectations are met.

Arabic Classes

Yalla Arabic Institute provides comprehensive Arabic language courses for individuals who are not native speakers. We cater to all levels, offering both Modern Standard Arabic and Levantine Colloquial Arabic courses. Our sessions are available online or in person, and students have the flexibility to tailor their schedules based on their availability.

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